


Prezzo: 25,00€
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Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Diari
Marca: Overdose
Colore: Brown
Taglia: A6
Tempo di spedizione: 1 giorno

Modalità spedizione:

OVERDOSE PENTAGRAM LAPIS STONE Leather Journal - Antique Stone Handmade Edge Paper Leather Bound Journal | Leather Sketchbook - Drawing Journal - Journal Size - 12.7 cm x 17.8 cm
HANDMADE LEATHER NOTEBOOK:: This exceptional and attractive leather notebook is ideal for storing your thoughts and secrets, taking notes in class or drawing sketches, for writing down your deepest feelings or simply jotting down your remarks when you wish. Each OVERDOSE Journal is unique with its own details and imperfections.
EXCEPTIONAL CRAFTSMANSHIP:: The OVERDOSE boasts a unique Pentagram design that will appeal to everyone regardless of age. It's a great gift idea that will make a perfect travel companion. Practical, it is easily transported when you travel. Elegant, it wonderfully decorates the library of your living room.
INK WON'T BLOSSOP:: Use any pen to write on the premium thick paper. Our leather notebook is suitable for writing, drawing or sketching. Compact, it slips easily into a bag. It is IDEAL FOR sketches, as a photo album, travel diary, business diary, hunting booklet, poetry notebook, for journalists, as a weekly diary, recipe notebook etc.
HIGH QUALITY:: Durable Paper: Enjoy this superb paper made from recycled cotton that retains ink and prevents smudging and smudging. It is the ideal material for writers and thinkers who are inspired by everyday events. This notebook is not refillable.
EASILY TRANSPORTABLE:: The Genuine size of journal 5 x 7 POUCE sketchbook is easy to transport. Retro-looking leather notebook fits in most handbags, backpacks and totes. The strap keeps it closed. Perfect for writers and travelers.
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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