
The Purest Solutions Brightening & Lightening


Prezzo: 21,99€
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Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Sieri e Liquidi
Marca: The Purest Solutions
Tempo di spedizione: 1 giorno

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The Purest Solutions Brightening & Lightening Vitamin C Serum (10% Ascorbic Acid & 0,5% Ferulic Acid) - Revitalize & Renew Dull Skin - Anti-Aging Care & Anti-Stress Care - Vegan | Cruelty Free (30 ml)
Vitamin C is one of the important antioxidants that are necessary for the skin. This product is formulated with enriched ingredients;
10% Ascorbic Acid, 0.5% Ferulic Acid and Prebiotics. It targets nourishing the skin while renewing it. It helps to revitalize, brighten the skin and reduce fine lines.
Ascorbic Acid: Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant, it boosts collagen synthesis and improves skin firmness, evens the skin tone and reduces age spots by limiting the production of melanin. It provides a vibrant and brighter appearance after product application.
Ferulic Acid: Ferulic acid is a type of antioxidant-rich ingredient that fights aging, fine lines, wrinkles, discoloration, and damaged skin cells. Ferulic acid can easily be absorbed by the skin and they are good active ingredients when it comes to fighting with free radicals and preventing cell damage.
Hyaluronic Acid: A combination of four types of Sodium Hyaluronate (HA) with different properties, Hyaluronic Acid accurately targets different layers of the skin by creating a three-dimensional network for moisturizing and plumping the skin. In this way, providing multi-dimensional moisturization of the skin helps in gaining elasticity.
Glycerin: Glycerin is an ingredient categorized as a humectant and it draws moisture from the air into the deeper layers of the skin. It is also a great anti-aging activity used to hydrate tired skin and prevents fine lines and wrinkles in order to provide a vibrant look.
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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