
Fingerprint Art Activity Case


Prezzo: 15,23€
( Vai al Negozio per verificare il prezzo )

Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Libro
Tempo di spedizione: 1 giorno

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Fingerprint Art Activity Case
EASY TO CARRY AND SHOW CREATIVITY: This entertaining kit is really simple to carry, with everything included in a single sturdy, customisable carry case, whether you are at home or travelling. Allows your children to express their inner artist by creating their very own finger print art masterpieces and bringing fun to their school activity, home, family gathering, or holiday.
PERFECT GIFT FOR TODDLERS: This is the perfect gift for children aged 3 years and up, the simple but fun activity of finger painting provides hours of imaginative play for little ones, helping to build their creativity as they decide how to decorate the pictures with everything from farmyard friends busy vehicles.
SCREEN FREE AND STRESS-FREE ACTIVITY: This is a perfect activity kit to keep little painting fans away from their phones and TV screen and into the creative world. This fun activity case will also redirect their attention away from daily life and into a creative mindset, which is beneficial for a healthy lifestyle.
EDUCATIONAL ENGAGEMENT: The customisable color-in-carry case encourages children's creativity by allowing them to colour and design the cute doodles on the case so it is unique for them. The activity of finger painting can also help toddlers develop fine motor-skills as they use their fingers and hands to create beautiful pieces of art.
COMPLETE FUN ACTIVITY SET: This kid's coloring and learning activity case comes with a 32-page instruction and activity book, 6 picture cards, 1 giant paint pad and 1 sturdy carry case.
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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