
V34 Purple Foam Colour Corrector - Teeth Whitening...


Prezzo: 12,20€
( Vai al Negozio per verificare il prezzo )

Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Dentifrici
Marca: Owsen
Colore: 2pcs
Tempo di spedizione: 3-4 giorn

V34 Purple Foam Colour Corrector - Teeth Whitening Sensitive Teeth Toothpaste,Brighter Teeth in 15 Seconds, Purple Teeth Brightening,Tooth Stain Removal (2pcs)
【V34 Purple Foam Colour Corrector】: Whitening Toothpaste with Superior Stain Removal Formula. Builds Increasing Protection Against Future Sensitivity (with continued twice-daily brushing). Effectively whiten teeth and make your smile more beautiful.
【Teeth Whitening】: Help to break down the pigmentation on the surface of the teeth, block pigmentation, reduce yellow tooth stains, make your teeth no longer yellow teeth. Freshen breath and bad breath, care for whiter teeth.
【Natural Ingredients】: It contains sorbitol, xylitol, glycerin, and other ingredients, very safe to used it. This Intensive Stain Removal Whitening Toothpaste is the most effective natural stain-remover by making use of the strong cleaning power of xylitol.
【For Sensitive Teeth】: More effective than traditional toothpaste, which can help replenish lost minerals and reduce sensitivity. Let you enjoy various ice or hot things freely.
【Fresh Breath】: Flavor Provides Long-Lasting Freshness in Your Mouth for Healthy Teeth and Gums. Promotes Strong Tooth Enamel and repairs compromised sections of enamel, White Teeth, and Fights Bad Breath
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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