
Tutore per Alluce Valgo Correttore, 4Pcs


Prezzo: 15,55€
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Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Divaricatori
Marca: Doact
Taglia: L
Tempo di spedizione: Disponibilità immediata

Modalità spedizione:

Tutore per Alluce Valgo Correttore, 4Pcs Separatore Dita Piede Raddrizza Footfix Alluce Valgo Ortesi Proteggi Borsite Alluce Divaricatore Alluce Valgo Notturno Protezione Dita Piedi in Silicone
SEPARATED BIG TOE AND SECOND TOE: The length of the bunion sleeve of the tube is designed for the big toe and middle finger. It separates the big and second toes. The soft toe protection is covered with a gel-lined fabric and has a gel pad on one side, so you can spread your toes apart and keep your toes straight instead of putting your fingers on the other to slowly correct hallux valgus.
CAN BE USED IN SOCKS: Place the narrow side of the gel toe separator inside, place the sleeve over the big or second toe, and place the gel separator between the two toes. The Bunion Separator has a large area of ​​gel that protects the forefoot and distributes pressure evenly while walking.
TOE STRAIGHTENING AND BUNION PAIN RELIEF: The big toe brace guides, straightens and aligns the big toe with the other toes, thus restoring the toes to their natural state. Big toe braces are designed to provide instant pain relief for your toe bunion, including soreness, overlapping, and toe drift. On top of that there are gel pads.
TOE PROTECTION: Tubular Gel Foot Covers can be used on the big toe or middle finger. The gel pads of the toe straightener help maintain a good position between the toes or inside the shoe, providing full protection for the toes against painful abrasions and blisters, including walking or running. The toe protector is very comfortable, durable, ergonomic and ensures a perfect fit.
REUSABLE AND WASHABLE: Comes with 2 pairs of toe separators, you'll have a spare when you clean the other pair. They are washable and reusable. Put your worries aside! If you want to wear a toe separator in your shoes, wear loafers, sneakers, or other shoes with a larger box.
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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