
XGBYR Hommelure Fheromotherapy Solid Perfume


Prezzo: 15,99€
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Tipo: Vendo
Stato: Nuovo
Venditore: Azienda
Categoria: Eau de Parfum
Marca: Xgbyr
Colore: 1set-3pcs
Tempo di spedizione: 1 giorno

XGBYR Hommelure Fheromotherapy Solid Perfume Set,Hommelure Feromone Solid Perfume Set,Portable Pocket Solid Fragrance Balm,NaturalAddict Pheromotherapie Solid Perfume (1SET-3PCS)
Fheromotherapy Solid Perfume;
Using a unique fragrance formula and ion-bonding technology, when encountering body fragrance or sweat, it emits a more unique fragrance to create your own charming body fragrance. The melting point of solid perfume reaches 71 degrees Celsius, so it will not melt the perfume.
Long lasting solid balm scent;
it's a beautiful blend of citruses, florals and spices that will make you irresistible to your man. Its scent lasts longer than regular perfumes. The fragrance comes in a cute little jar that can be stashed in your purse so you are always ready for a date or party.
Irresistible Fragrance;
Hommelure Fheromotherapy Solid Fragrance Set is a unique blend of the sexiest scents. It's a blend of pheromones that will make you turn heads and grab attention wherever you go.
Odor pheromones seduce aromas;
when a pheromone odor reaches the nose, it activates the olfactory system. The olfactory system bypasses the rational brain. In the human brain, there is a place that is the center of behavior. Here, information from the olfactory system is collected. When the message conveyed by pheromones is a positive smell, primal human behavior is enhanced.
Multi-purpose fragrance;
not only suitable for occasions where men and women meet, but also for offices, meeting rooms, workplaces. It is suitable for places where the ratio of men to women is seriously out of balance or in relatively closed places to adjust people's emotions. Apply Thermotherapy Solid Perfume to your neck, ears, wrists, chest or other body parts to release enough pheromones to make you extra attractive. Available as a solid perfume
( Vai al Negozio per ulteriori informazioni )

Venditore: Amazon

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